Thursday, January 2, 2014

Deltek Time and Expense Weblogic LDAP Config with SSL

This quick screen shot and description on how to setup Weblogic LDAP connection for DELTEK Time and Expense with SSL to a non-local AD server. If you have questions feel free to contact TBS-LLC.

What we are trying to setup:
  • We are trying to connect to LDAPS:\\LDAP.GOOGLE.COM:636 
  • "LDAP" is the name of the LDAP principals account.
  • All TE users accounts resides in a AD group called TEUSER under the LDAP.GOOGLE.COM domain. 
  • AD usernames are stored in a userPrincipleUserName account with @GOOGLE.COM at the end. i.e.
Setup Details:
  • Enter:
    •  LDAP.GOOGLE.COM into Host
    • 636 into Port
    • Principle place the Distinguished name in the form of "CN=LDAP, OU=LDAP-Service,....."
    • Principle Password into Credential
    • Click SSL Enabled
  • Make sure you USER BASE DN and USER FROM NAME FILTER are Correct
  • USER BASE DN is the top level of the tree
  • USER FROM NAME FILTER is where you establish what field you want to filter on)
    • In our case we are using the PrincipalName from MS AD 
  • The group Doesn't really matter because T&E has the LDAPHelper Weblogic authenticator.
    • You must use have the LDAPHelper authenicator in the WEBLOGIC provider or it won't work.

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