I have not updated for a while. So the last project I worked on a Halloween Candy dispenser that can sit at the bottom of our drive way and regulate the amount of candy it gives out.
The Process:
Everything starts with an idea:
"We live on a hill.... Would sure hate for all that potential energy of the candies sitting in my house to go to waste.... Maybe a better version of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dIgq55GeBI"
End Product:
It took me 7 days and here is what it looks like.
Halloween Night Video 1 with a Pirate
Halloween Night Video 2
Halloween Night Video 3
The Process:
At first, I had to create the C program to read the bend sensor with an ADC(analog to digital converter)chip (MCP3208) on a Raspberry Pi.
Then I made my program to control the servos while reading input from the bend sensor
I mounted everything as a test
Wire up a Easy-button to trigger the process
Testing it with anti-jam v1 logic without Easy Button by myself.
Kid testing it with anti-jam v1 logic. This is when I realized I needed an anti jam logic
(before the second feeding servo was in place)
(before the second feeding servo was in place)
Added a second feeding servo, fine tuned some control logic
mounted it to the back of the golf cart for easy transportation/setup.
mounted it to the back of the golf cart for easy transportation/setup.
Lesson learned:
- Assume it will be 90 degrees and hot. Raspberry Pi with a taped enclosure is bad... I zip locked some ice and placed it next to the CPU... Need a massive fan next time.
- Best troll for Halloween is the be direct with people. Everyone thought pressing the button would shock/scare/mess with them... All I did was give them candy.
- Need more lights.
- The sign and the promise of better candy actually increased the number of kid (mostly under 10) to walk up the hill.
- Nerds are popular candy here.