Wednesday, December 11, 2013

How to get Wing War for Sega Arcade Working with MAME

This was one of my favorite Arcade games back in the day(1994). After all these years I finally got Sega Arcade - Wing War working on MAME ver 0.136 (Directions below) and took a quick video of the action. Enjoy!

Youtube Link:

These are the instruction I used to get Wing War for Sega Arcade working on MAME.

What you need:
  1. MAME ver. 0.136. You have to use MAME ver 0.136 and not the latest version.... 
  2. Wing War Rom 
  3. Joystick 

  1. First download MAME ver. 0.136.
    • I grabbed "mame0136b.exe" under Binary (Windows) 
  2. Run the "mame0136b.exe" and extracted the program to a folder on your desktop 
    • I placed it in a folder called "mame0136b" 
  3. Download Wing War Rom. It should be a 12.7MB zip file 
    • I am not going to put a link here. You can google it. 
    • Place the newly download rom zip file into mame0136b\roms folder on your desktop 
  4. Plug in your joystick and wait for the drivers to install properly. 
  5. Go into the root direct of mame0136b and run mame.exe 
  6. Once you selected the game and the rom starts, hit TAB and select "Input (this game)".
    • I mapped the following:
    • 1 Player Start - I mapped it to 1 on my keyboard
    • Coin 1 - I mapped it to 5 on my keyboard
    • P1 Button 1 - View 1
    • P1 Button 2 - Outside rear view (I use this one so I mapped it to button 4 on my joystick)
    • P1 Button 3 - View 3
    • P1 Button 4 - View 4
    • P1 Button 5 - Joystick Trigger(Button 1) to fire guns
    • P1 Button 6 - Joystick Button 2 to fire missiles
    • P1 Button 7 - Joystick Button 3 to user smoke and avoid enemy missiles
    • AD Stick X Analog - Joystick X axis (left and right)
    • AD Stick Y Analog - Joystick Y axis (up and down)
    • P1 Paddle Analog - Joystick Z axis + (Throttle control)
    • Third go back to the previous menu and select "Analog controllers". I made the following change:
    • AD Stick X Digital Speed - 4
    • AD Stick X AutoCenter Speed - 0
    • AD Stick X Reverse - On
    • AD Stick X Sensitivity - 100
    • AD Stick Y Digital Speed - 4
    • AD Stick Y AutoCenter Speed - 0
    • AD Stick Y Reverse - Off
    • AD Stick Y Sensitivity - 100
    • P1 Pedal 1 Digital Speed - 16
    • P1 Pedal 1 AutoCenter Speed - 0
    • P1 Pedal 1 Reverse - Off
    • P1 Pedal 1 Sensitivity - 100
  7. After that return to the game. 
  8. Insert 2 coins(press 5 twice) and press player 1 start(press 1).
  9. Off you go and Enjoy the game,

Monday, December 9, 2013

SAML2/ADFS and Deltek Products....

If you want to use ADFS and SAML2 authentication for Deltek Products, save yourself the headache and just don't bother at this point(12/2013). But just in case you are working with SAML2/ADFS and needs a quick reminder of which one is the "Service Provider" vs the "Identity Provider", there is a good article from Salesforce.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mac -> Local PC VMware -> Hosted Server via Windows RDP

Was on a Screen Sharing with a Co-worker. He is using a Mac to run a Local Windows 2008 VM just so that he can  Remote Desktop into another Windows 2008 machines on our company network. Confused yes me too. :P

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Oracle Regular Expressions for Parsing XML

Oracle Regular Expressions for Parsing XML

Sample SCHED_PARAM values:
1. Schedule Type='Weekly' StartDate='2013-03-11' FirstRunTime='08:00' RunEveryXWeeks='1' DaysOfWeek='32'

2. Schedule Type='MonthlyDayOfWeek' StartDate='2013-03-11' EndDate='2013-03-19' FirstRunTime='08:00' MonthlyNthOccurrence='0' MonthlyDayOfWeek='0' Months='4095'

Using the Regular Expression:
Expression 1:
select REGEXP_SUBSTR(REGEXP_SUBSTR(SCHED_PARAM, 'Type=''[[:alnum:]]*''', 1, 1, 'i'), '[^'']+', 1, 2) as Type from SYNCH_SCHED_DETAIL;
1. Weekly
2. MonthlyDayOfWeek

Expression 2:
select REGEXP_SUBSTR(REGEXP_SUBSTR(SCHED_PARAM, 'StartDate=''([[:alnum:]]*\-*)*''', 1, 1, 'i'), '[^'']+', 1, 2) from SYNCH_SCHED_DETAIL;
1. 2013-03-11
2. 2013-03-11

Expression 3:
select REGEXP_SUBSTR(REGEXP_SUBSTR(SCHED_PARAM, 'FirstRunTime=''([[:alnum:]]*\:*)*''', 1, 1, 'i'), '[^'']+', 1, 2) from SYNCH_SCHED_DETAIL;
1. 08:00
2. 08:00

Expression 4:
select To_date(REGEXP_SUBSTR(REGEXP_SUBSTR(SCHED_PARAM, 'StartDate=''([[:alnum:]]*\-*)*''', 1, 1, 'i'), '[^'']+', 1, 2) || ' ' || REGEXP_SUBSTR(REGEXP_SUBSTR(SCHED_PARAM, 'FirstRunTime=''([[:alnum:]]*\:*)*''', 1, 1, 'i'), '[^'']+', 1, 2), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') from SYNCH_SCHED_DETAIL;

Will return an oracle date value for the Start Date + First Run Time

I am sure there are better way to code the Reg Ex.
Please leave me comment below if you have a better way

Monday, March 11, 2013

Coffitivity Huge Thumb Up

I been using Coffitivity + Slacker on my laptop. I needed an extra boost from the DST change over. So far I high recommend it. Basically a "mix of calm and commotion in an environment like a coffee house is proven to be just what you need to get those creative juices flowing."